How to Support Mentally Health in a Busy Schedule

In this world, competition is the norm and everything is relative. We are indoctrinated with the notion that there are winners and losers, with competitions offering 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. We are trained to compete with others and to strive to outdo everyone else. It is crucial to note that neglecting our health while focusing solely on work can lead to feelings of lethargy and depression. It is imperative that we prioritize our well-being to avoid such adverse outcomes.

Does mental health affect our work life?

Incorporating mental health best practices into business is crucial for both individual well-being and corporate revenue. To achieve this, every layer of authority, from the Board of Directors to executive, administrative, and human resource management departments, must be fully engaged. Additionally, involving the health and safety committee, as well as employees, can be highly beneficial. Do not neglect addressing mental health in the workplace – it is a vital component of a successful and healthy business.

Why Do We Often Fail at Self-Care?

Self-care is crucial, but it’s not always easy to make it a priority. Many people are too busy, putting their family’s needs first, dealing with stressful jobs, or being overly consumed by technology. Unfortunately, me-time is often at the bottom of the to-do list. To make matters worse, some people feel guilty about taking time for self-care (especially parents). Therefore, starting self-care can be quite challenging.

How can we best support our mental health?

01. Take out time for yourself

When life is busy, it’s important to take time for your well-being. Spend time doing rewarding activities and pursuing your hobbies. Start projects, accomplish them in your personal time, and start enjoying your life more.

02. Engage yourself with good people

It is crucial to maintain strong familial or social ties as it has a direct correlation with better health. Make sure to prioritize spending time with loved ones and engage in activities that promote socialization. Whether it’s a casual catch-up or a physical activity that benefits your mental and physical well-being, make plans that prioritize your social connections.

03. Stay active, embrace exercise

Regular exercise can boost your mental health, as well as your ability to focus and rest. Exercising is more than just playing a sport or going for a walk. According to researchers, most individuals are advised to exercise for 30 minutes or longer at least five days each week. Regular exercise can boost your mental health, as well as your ability to focus and rest. Exercising is more than just playing a sport or going for a walk. According to researchers, most individuals are advised to exercise for 30 minutes or longer at least five days each week.

04. Reduce stress by dealing with it

Stress is an inevitable part of life, whether you like it or not. It’s crucial to employ one-minute stress strategies, engage in yoga, exercise, go on a hiking trip, play with your dog, or write journals as a stress reducer. Additionally, seek out activities that bring you joy and laughter. Research indicates that laughter boosts your immune system, alleviates pain, loosens your muscles, and lowers stress levels.

05. Set goals 

Identify your professional, skillful, and emotional goals, and develop a clear plan of action to achieve them. Strive for excellence, but remain grounded and avoid overexertion. As you progress towards your objective, you will experience a profound sense of accomplishment and self-esteem.

06. Give value to yourself

It is imperative that you cease any self-criticism by showing yourself the utmost respect and care. Dedicate time to your favourite hobbies and expand your horizons. Challenge yourself by completing a new task every day, pursuing a fresh hobby, mastering a new sport, or developing healthier habits.

07. Accept yourself for who you are

We’re all unique. It’s far better to appreciate your individuality than wish you were more like somebody else. Feeling better about yourself gives you the courage to acquire new talents, travel to new places, and meet new people. When life takes an abrupt turn, having high self-esteem might help you deal with things better.

Take pride in who you are. Recognize and accept your shortcomings, but also concentrate on your strengths. If you want to alter anything about yourself, are your expectations reasonable? If they are, feel free to make incremental changes to bring about the desired change.

08. Take five minutes to relax every day

Taking time to breathe is crucial. You must close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing for 5 minutes, as it is an excellent method of self-care and relaxation.

09. Spend some time in the sun. 

To avoid the negative effects of excessive heat, it is crucial to combine proper knowledge and understanding. If you want to maintain your mental well-being ,It is imperative that you spend some time in the sun every day. When exposed to natural light, your body releases hormones that promote happiness and balance in your brain. This chemical equilibrium is essential for building mental resilience and fortitude.

10. Find purpose and meaning

To maintain good mental health, it’s crucial to find purpose in your day. Here are some practical tips to help you achieve this:

Engage in activities that make you feel useful and fulfilled, both in your work and personal life.

Prioritize spending quality time with the people who matter most to you.

Volunteer your time and resources to help others, which can enrich your life and increase your overall happiness.

Look for ways to care for others, as this can be just as rewarding and meaningful as it is challenging.

Make a conscious effort to perform at least one good deed or gesture each day.



Sadia Shirin Lima

Intern, Content Writing Department

Requin BD


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