Why Scorpio is one of the most hated zodiac sign

Astrology has been studied from a very long time. Since ancient times people have their faith over Astrology. Zodiac sign is determined by the position of specific constellations at the time of birth and also by the movement of these constellations. People who are born between (October 23- November 21) are scorpio. Scorpio is often mistaken as a fire sign, but in reality they are water signs. This zodiac sign is ruled by pluto. Scorpion peoples are connected  with scorpions, eagles and snakes. When a sign is referred as a negative sign and also linked up with poisonous animals like scorpions and snakes, there must be some pretty strong reasons to call this sign one of the most hated zodiac sign or worst sign. There are some reasons why they are hated by many zodiac signs. 

  1. Jealousy


Scorpions are well known for their envious character. They easily become jealous when they feel they are being left out or believe someone has something or someone they desire. Scorpio’s jealousy is not always motivated by hatred or vengeance, instead it could stem from love, which other sings struggle to grasp. And also they are not not ashamed of their jealousy. Scorpios are also considered as jealous lovers. 

  1. Secret keeper 

Scorpions are good at keeping secrets. They always keep their secret safe because they have a hard  time trusting people. This makes them difficult to get to know. This is also  because of their vivid imagination. It’s not easy to get the heart of a Scorpio. They might tell you their experiences or stories about their life but they aren’t going to open up right away. Even though they want all of the other filth but barely share their own. 

  1. Dramatic 


Scorpio is ready to erupt into a fit rage or even tears, at any time. They like to conduct their life in their own way. They live in their own world and there everything is magnified and constantly a life or death issue. Many times Scorpios are seen overreacting to news or have emotional reactions. They steal the show with their responses, so even if someone else is expecting something. Scorpio’s yells and dramatic behave will make everyone forget why they were pleased in the first place. If a Scorpio becomes agitated it’s hard to calm them down. Scorpio thinks their lives as a whole play and others are merely the audience in which Scorpio is the star.

  1. Unforgiving


When a Scorpio’s heart is wounded they become hell-bent on getting revenge. They are ruthless in the most extreme manner. If someone mistreated a Scorpio, they won’t be forgiven until several years have gone or until attempting to beg for forgiveness. They expect them to come and ask for forgiveness even though they will not forgive. 

  1. Extreme 


When a Scorpio feels strongly about anything, they do not fall into one of two categories. Scorpios are radicals and also they’re pretty extreme people. They also have a “go big or go home ” attitude which they Don’t let go of on any occasion. For them everything is either black or white. If they like you they really like you but if not then they Won’t even glance at you. 

Also there are some other bad habits they have which make them hated. They are known as the most obsessive zodiac sign. They also do very questionable things because of their obsessive manner. Scorpio’s tend to be the one to have full control over everything Also their biggest fear is the fear of failure which seems to be very strong as well and make them unable to take discussions. Scorpios are people with high expectations and can be demanding because of this. They will look for loyalty and honesty from a person who is entirely honest.


Apart from those negative issues Scorpios aren’t that horrible. They are independent and Don’t mind being on their own with a high degree of self sufficiency. They hardly rely on anyone. Also they are very adaptable and versatile. One of the other strengths of them is determination which gives them the ability to focus. They know what they want and stay focused all the way and Learn everything to achieve it. Scorpios are fearless in going after what they want. They are the most faithful and trustworthy friends or partners. They are also very loyal to their love, family and friends. Scorpios are passionate. They give their 100% in a relationship. They are blessed with an enormous amount of willpower. 


Syeda Israt Jahan Shupti 

Intern, Content Writing Department

Requin BD


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